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What We Do

The recipe of 10 sessions utilize breath and movement from the client with hands on bodywork to induce your divine organized blueprint

Working with your Fascia, (or the web of your body matrix), the large, (or "coarse"), muscles in the body are lengthened and reminded of their ability to slide individually and appropriately under your skin, allowing the intrinsic muscles, (or "fine" core muscles), to awaken and participate in efficient body function.

Aligning the body segments of your fascial web* allows room for fresh insight into how you choose to live.

The first 7 "hour" sessions create a demand on the body that calls for the following session to penetrate more deeply into your fascial web.*

The last 3 sessions organize your newly loosened and listening body

*Fascial Web: Fascia is connective tissue, which surrounds, penetrates, and connects every part of the body - our bones, muscles and organs. It gives your body its shape and is often referred to as our "organ of form".

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