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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the health benefits?
Does being "Rolfed" last?
How often do I need to go?
Why Rolfing instead of other bodywork modalities?
What sessions should I sign up for?
How much does it cost?
Will it help my pain go away?
Will it improve my posture?
How is communication within my body enhanced?
What does this have to do with evolving and expanding?

What are the health benefits?
Health is your whole body feeling relaxed and happy, with your efficient and effective experience of your world. Experiencing the entire recipe of the Rolf Method affects change by de-layering the layered wrappings of your complexity, and exposing your divine reflection of your beauty.

With your muscles freed to slide alongside each other, in new relationship, you are free to shift your shape more easily. Your body walks forth with a new education of communicating within yourself. Your body reflects you environment, and both body and your surrounding world reflect your state of mind.

Again we come to our health being our body, mind, and spirit singing together in cohesion. However your ailment, your dis-ease, your limitations have shown up in your body is your body speaking it"s truth. Being Rolfed is an education in how to free yourself from limitation through a process of unwinding your muscular and fascial structure, thereby creating more space and directional possibilities for movement and decisions in your life. Suggestions of ideal functioning are hinted at, and your body integrates this new knowledge for impending years.

Wherever you are now in your evolution of understanding yourself, and enjoying your interactions with your world fully, you will step up to the next level, whether this means your physical comfort and pracision, or your mental expansion is complemented. You remember how much room and freedom you have, and can live your life clear and aware, attention focused on your sacred being.

Now the question is, what do you choose?

Does being "Rolfed" last?
Photographs taken of clients, years after the basic 10 series, show that changes were still present and structure is often further improved. Your body can handle with new ease new situations requiring adaptation and integration.

You are in a constantly shifting life, and new choices you make will affect your physiology, (your physical body), as your choices also affect your state of mind and your perceived world. Our body is a reflection of our spirit. You have the choice to continually upgrade, or learn from sinking into less supportive realities. Your health is ultimately in your own hands.

Your body will have more room, catalyzed by the external output from the sessions, allowing you new listening of your layers. Now you may more easily be comfortable. The question is, can you accept being comfortable with growth?

How often do I need to go?
Each session is designed to unwind you through a system that chases kinks out of your being. An intensive approach is 2 sessions per week, and you are brought to a new space in your 10th hour. Freshly attuned, you are a newly organized being after these 5 weeks.

Some prefer a slower sequence; one per week, every two weeks, or up to 2 months between sessions. This allows for time to swirl in the energy unleashed and inspired in each hour, and reflection time.

Occasionally people have experienced all 10 sessions in 10 days or so. This is much more challenging to integrate, and requires alternate support to ease the escalated shape-shifting of your being.

Why Rolfing instead of other bodywork modalities?
This is a recipe; an education in understanding your relationship with yourself in gravity. It is a process bringing you to a new place of beginning. There is value to processes aimed at taking you through an evolution. This learning occurs by going through a sequence designed to create new freedom within you through the kenesthetic (touch) learning, and experiencing the "Rolf" method of Structural Integration is one of many ways to remember, or learn, or expand your growth in understanding yourself.

Ida Rolf spent over 20 years observing bodies as she put her hands on them, and the way they held themselves talked to her, and developed this series invoking shifting span to enhancing our alignment with gravity. The territory covered in each "Hour" session is specific, and accounts for coming to ultimately coming to a position of standing with rediscovered alignment of your being, especially enhanced by the last three "organizing" hour on top of the first 7 "unwinding"hours.

What sessions should I sign up for?

First, sign up for the "First Hour", the introduction to what the experience of this technique is, as well as a taste of how it benefits your state of being. The 1st hour, begins on the outermost layer of your body, engaging your muscles to stretch and stretch a bit beyond where you have had the freedom to move them in your memory. The next sessions continues to unwind you, going deeper and deeper each hour.

1 thru 3:
Upon reaching the third hour, you will have a deeper sense of what is being offered to your body"s brain, and this is a safe stopping point. Supposing you were learning to walk, the first three hours teach you how to stand and breath with trust. Stopping after 3 is a balanced stopping point, whereas ideally you will go through all 10 sessions to learn to walk anew.

1 thru 10:
Experiencing all 10 sessions, the "1st" through "tenth hour" is a complete recipe and each hour builds on the one before to gain the full product being offered. You are on a journey unwinding the system you have given a goodly portion of your life to living. We practitioners advise you to experience the full series of 10 sessions, and walk fresh into your life, with a newly freed pelvis and newly elongated muscles singing throughout your being

Tune-up sessions:
Upon completion of the 10 sessions, allow some months to pass, integrating this new information,

When your body asks, come back for a tune-up session, or a series of 3 sessions. Now that your body is organized in a new manner of hearing and communicating, these tune-up sessions have a deep impact in further unwinding and freeing your being.

You are fragile with your new perspective, upon competing the Rolf Method initial 10 hours. You are aware in a new way, and molding yourself by listening to your flexibility; Allow your body to be connected through your middle, the above as to the below, and the inner to the center of our earth. Willingly pour your energy into the heart of our world, and trust constantly being nurtured. This is the trick to truly taking on this education, and integrating your life choice to access and claim your truth. The walls you have become familiar with are gone, and you can call them back, or you can choose living your dream manifest. Be gentle with yourself.

How much does it cost?
House calls receive 1.5h or 2hour session for $200 to $250 respectively.

Will it help my pain go away?
Sometimes parts of you have stopped moving. Little spots inside you have filled with stagnant energy from where you stubbed your toe, bumped your ribs, believed a limitation, or registered any kind of disturbance to your being. For a while your body goes into a bracing mode of shock, and often in your untrained random body you forget to let go of this past incident, for which bodywork is a wonderful tool in re-aligning. With the external input of hands on you, you remember how to hear your body in new and insightful ways.

Will it improve my posture?
Stresses in the body often cause your connective tissue, the fascial web of your body, to lock-down more tightly along your bones. When the muscles have shorted along the bones, there is less room to achieve your full stature. When these connecting areas are relaxed and the muscles have new room to lengthen into, and slide along each other individually, there is more room for your bones to be aligned, and your structure can more easily work in concert with gravity. With more space in your body, your "Posture" becomes more erect.

How is communication within my body enhanced?
Allowing our muscles to span increases our perception within our bodies; our inner connection between the big bulky muscles in our bodies, the sympathetic or tangible response - versus the parasympathetic, or intuitive perception. The parasympathetic is your intuitive listening to your relationship with your physical world. Things like, "I can trust gravity; I came here for it." Things like, "Oh, the sidewalk disappeared, and I lurched, and my rib cage muscles curved nicely, and I landed easily on my feet." Even things like, " I feel how that line of tightness from my bicycle fall spirals all through my body affecting my right hip, my left elbow and knee. Spirals of connection here tightened since my experience." Clear communication in our relationship with ourselves grows, as does our relationship with our whole world. You learn, "I remember, I can choose to notice where I am holding tightness in me, and I can ask those muscles to relax." Wow.

What does this have to do with evolving and expanding?
When your inner core, (your channel of "being"), is clear and your body is functioning with high efficiency, your perception expands, and your development advances: you evolve. The Rolf recipe allows a new freedom to shift your consciousness and your environment with ease and clarity.

Being Rolfed brings you through an experience giving you new "Space" in your body, by literally having more length; relaxing your tissues, expanding into the room your body comfortably exists in

Now we have more energy in our lives for exploring space. Space being defined as emptiness waiting to be filled. Then comes the step of filling your open space with what you choose. Such as, "I dream of pursuing my immerging gift of�" fill in the blank. Welcome to your world of relaxed curiosity. Welcome to your world of chancing and trusting we are genius and our whole lives are our dreams manifest.